Saturday, January 8, 2011

~Just One More ~

“Just one more”

Just one more cut to know I’m alive
Just one more pill to cover the scars
Just one more drink so I can survive

She stands in her bedroom doorway
Her hands covered in blood
Just one more cut so I can feel alive

Her small frail son
Sits in the old chair
Rocks back and forth
Quivering in fear

Just one more pill she yells to her son
To cover my unattractiveness
Of years gone by

He looks up, his eyes filled with tears
He screams out
Why? Why? Why?

Just one more drink she yells
As she is barely able to hold on
I just know I can survive

I go and I sit next to him
Not sure how to comfort his pain
I look into the direction he’s looking
I try to remain unruffled and serene

Just one more cut to feel I’m alive
Just one more pill to hide my scars
Just one more drink I know I will survive

I take his small hand Place it into mine
Somehow he pulls himself together
Stands with apprehension
Still trembling in fear

She watches him
As he walks past her
His eyes
Drenched in pain

She yells at him
Just one more cut so I can feel alive
Just one more pill to cover these scars
Just one more drink I know I will survive

In the whisk of the moment she sees his pain
She moves closer to her son as she follows his eyes
There in this moment
Is what caught her by surprise

There she lies in her bed
Drenched in her own blood
Pills scattered amongst the wet stain sheets
On the floor next to her bed
Is her last fallen drink

Just one more cut
She says in a whisper
For I’m no longer alive
Just one more pill
For I can no longer hide
Just one more drink
As I close my eyes

Written by
All rights belong to this Author
No Copy Righting


  1. Wow! So graphic and powerful--made me very sad... A Moving piece for sure!

  2. A very powerful write filled with emotion, power and truth-

  3. Thank you Marian and Rebecca !!!
